Directed by Gustavo Dias-Vallejo, Produced by Anna Oggero,
Co-produced by David Furlong for Exchange Theatre
Set design by TK Hay, Video by Valnei Nunes, Assistant Director: Andra Anghelache, Lighting Designer: Joseph Hawkings, Stage Manager: Atlanta Sonson Chapman, Assistant Production Manager: Catherine de Lima
With Swami Surya Prabha Didiji, Rev. Cantor David Rome, Reverend Charles Pickstone, Pai Rogério de Oxóssi.
What does it mean to have a spiritual calling in the XXIst century? Four religious leaders from different traditions get together to create a show about their life choices.
The Call is a co-creation project where an Anglican Reverend, a Guru, a Cantor and an Umbanda priest explore memories, hi/stories, songs and ceremonies in relation to their calling, creating a unique mixture of autobiography, ritual and performance.
Going from the mundane to the sublime, they explore performative ways to approach their personal lives, bring up places, people and journeys, creating an aesthetic experience that illuminates aspects of the world’s recent history, along with the eternal question of what are we doing here at all?
In a world where all certainty seems to be lost, these four individuals/performers share the different answers that changed their lives.
By investigating their diverse experiences, behaviours and notions related to spirituality, the project looks into different ways of searching for meaning in the contemporary world, whilst also posing the question: is it possible to share the stage/space with someone whose ideology seems to be completely different from mine?
Middlesex University’s Ravensfield Theatre 1st of March 2023, 7.30pm
CAMDEN PEOPLE’S THEATRE Wed 29 Mar – Thu 30 Mar at 7pm
Tickets £8 (work-in-progress)