SIMPLICE by Emile Zola

extract show simplice émile zola abby forknall david furlong french institute

Simplice by Emile Zola

With Simplice, Émile Zola will be honored as part of the media library’s season of French tales. Before becoming one of the most published and translated French writers in the world, Zola, still a young author, had Contes à Ninon published in 1864. This was followed by Thérèse Raquin (1867) and the saga of the Rougon-Macquart (1873-1883) which made him the greatest naturalist.

Exchange Theatre delves into these tales and thus brings to light an unknown side of Emile Zola. A young man telling amusing stories about fairies in love and a not so clever prince charming.

Click here to see the other shows with the french institute.