ANTIGONE by Jean Anouilh

extract play antigone caroline roussel sebode

Introduction of Antigone by Jean Anouilh

Antigone by Jean Anouilh

Her family dead, killed through bitter civil war. Antigone defies the laws of the land to bury her brother as he deserves. But the new king, clasping his court in a strangle hold, cannot allow such insubordination. Antigone must choose: obey the law and betray the memory of her brother, or follow her heart and face a fatal outcome. How far would you do for those you love? What is worth ultimate sacrifice? Antigone is an intense, visceral experience exploring the light and dark power family, duty and love.

Antigone is about an uncompromising young girl woh decides to assert herself and to say “No” to what she does not want. A timeless masterpiece where the caracters are not either bad or good but are struggling with mixed feelings, just as any human being is.

Casting and information

Performed in French, 1h30 minutes, available for secondary school

Directed and conceived by Alexandra Bergeron
Set design by Cleo Harris-Seaton and Alexandra Bergeron
Lights by Benedict Cooper
With Fanny Dulin, David Furlong, Rachel Gemaehling, Victor Klein, Caroline Roussel and Lula Suassuna

Produced on commission for the Lycee Francais Charles De Gaulle, Londres, May 2015