French Tales is a story telling event written and created by Fanny Dulin, a French bilingual actress experienced in performing for and with children. It is a unique forty minutes of triggering the imagination, going on adventures and playing games, for the children ! First conceived especially for a season of performances and storytelling at the French Institute of London, and was since performed all over.
It can be in French throughout the whole story for French speakers.
OR it can be used as a tool to learn French. With songs, games, images and music, we make the language accessible to the children.
The story tellers are native French and professional actors. They are DRB checked.
“We are lucky to count Fanny amongst our storytellers at the French Institute for the past two years now. Thanks to singing, signs and beautiful stories, she shares with the kids the passion of words… in French!”
Aurore Dauger, Head of Kids Library, French Institute, London
Story Telling
We always sing “bonjour” and “aurevoir” at the beginning and the end of the session. We also learn a French song during the story.
Story Time
Our stories can be in one or two languages. They are always simple and we use pictures to illustrate them. They can be very famous or totally unknown. We use the story to teach new words or go over what the children already know. We play drama games and do lots of miming to make the story very interactive.
Music and Dancing
We always finish our session by playing a famous French song. The children then dance with the story teller and some little percussion.
Stickers and Drawing
At the end of the session, the children leave with a French Tale sticker and also a little drawing on the theme of the story. This workshop is aimed at groups up to 20 children and last forty minutes. It can be adapted to children’s level.
We can be booked for a one off sessions or for more regular sessions. Obviously, the more we come, the more the children learn! We are happy to help with the marketing by providing flyers and posters to use in your venue.
Prices and more info on demand. Discounts are available if you wish to book for more than one venue or for more than one session per day.
Contact Fanny to book on
02074038560 – 07903311723